Merry Christmas With A Queen In The Kitchen

“Do give books – religious or otherwise – for Christmas. They’re never fattening, seldom sinful, and permanently personal.” – Lenore Hershey (US), CA, Amazon Europe: (IT, FR, ES, DE) and UK. Eat, drink and be merry! Thank you Angelica , my everything! Thank you Barbara Lamperti – Buona Pappa Thank you James Valentine – Maroon 5 Thank you Chef […]

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“E mi sento vivo davanti a un tegame. L’olio che soffrigge è una musica per le mie orecchie. Il profumo di un buon ragù l’adoprerei anche come dopo barba. Un piatto di fettuccine intrecciate o una oblunga forma d’arrosto, per me sono sculture vitali, degne d’un Moore.”

“And I come alive in front of a pan. The frying oil is music for my ears. I could use the scent of a good meat sauce as after shave. A plate of braided fettuccine or an oblong shaped roast beef to me are vital sculptures, worthy of a Moore’s work of art.”

Ugo Tognazzi (Italian actor and cookbook author)